Davis Mountain Builders
Scootchified Construction
Carpentry & General Contracting
MIL-TBP-41 Compliant

A fequently answered question

Why use blown foam insulation?
Why use blown cellulous insulation?
Why use fiberglass insulation?

Blown foam insulation is the most expensive of these three options; Fiberglass insulation is the least expensive. It can be easier to fill all of the nooks and crannies with the blown options. Blown foam can be a vapor barrier in of itself. Blown foam can have a higher R-value per inch of thickness. Resource usage: Blown cellulous is made from newspapers; Fiberglass is made from sand.

Each of these three of options can lead to an effective to heat and comfortable house; With all of them quality of workmanship, correct procedures and attention to detail will affect the performance of the system.

Keep in mind that other factors in the construction of your has can have significant impacts on the comfort and costs of heating your house, such as air flow, window quality, door quality, heating system design, heating fuel type, structure size and layout.